As the year comes to a close, we are so grateful for all the progress Twice Upon a Time has made this year. We have given away books to multiple children, and helped bring reading into more children’s lives.
We ant to take the time to thank everyone who has supported our organization in any form. We truly could not do what we do without you.
We want to give a special thank you to everyone who sponsored us this year. It allows us to cover our costs, and find new and specialized books for each and every child.
Thank you to:
Multiple donors from United Way
Library Association of the National Capital Region for their generous donation
Everyone who showed up to our 20th Century Boys Fundraiser
Everyone involved in the Carleton Library Staff Book Sale
Everyone who showed up to our Spinning Fundraiser
Grounded Kitchen, who donated 15% of their sales one Friday to us
One of our awesome volunteers who won a donation through their work, and donated it to us
The Retired Women’s Teachers for their generous donation
Anyone who donated on their own or through our Canada Helps campaign
Additionally, thank you to everyone who donated books, and all the organizations who act us drop off locations for us!
Here’s to a great 2017, and an even greater 2018.
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