Twice Upon a Time is thrilled to introduce our supporters to our new President, Audrey Lévesque-Aubut! Audrey brings her passion for children's literature, childhood literacy, and the Ottawa community to the Board, and we are so pleased to have her on the team. Read on to learn a bit more about Audrey:
Hello Twice Upon a Time friends and supporters! My name is Audrey Lévesque-Aubut. I’m from Chandler, a little town in Quebec, and I have lived in Ottawa since 2017 in Vanier. I have become very attached to my neighborhood and Ottawa, and I wanted to get more involved in my community through Twice Upon a Time. I have always loved to read. As a child, I spent hours reading. Our family didn’t have much money, so I borrowed books from my local library. My favorite book was "Les mémoires d’une sorcière" - I must have read that book a hundred times and I would always choose it if it was available at the library! It would have been amazing to have the book at home all the time and be able to read it whenever I wanted. As a mom, I cherish the moments with my child when we’re reading his favorite book. It explains why I think the work of Twice Upon a Time is important to me: to be able to help children and families in Ottawa to discover the wonder of literacy and to read their favorite books all the time. I’m very happy to be part of this wonderful organization and to share my love for books and reading. I would like to help Twice Upon a Time as it becomes more inclusive, collects more books in French and other languages, more Indigenous books, and more books about the LGBTQ2 community, and to assure the perennity of Twice Upon a Time as an environment where we can share our passion for books with children.