La Journée internationale de la francophonie, or International Francophonie Day, is celebrated each year on March 20. March is also known as la mois de la francophonie - the month of the francophonie. During this time, francophones across the world celebrate their shared language and cultural diversity.
As a bilingual organization in a bilingual city, Twice Upon a Time is committed to celebrating French language and francophone culture by offering books in French to local children. In 2017, 28% of books chosen by children at our free bookstores were in French, and that number has increased rapidly in recent years.
This mois de la francophonie, consider supporting local children by making a donation to our Joie de Livre! campaign. Making a donation is easy, and your gift will allow us to purchase books in French so that we can meet the growing demand for French language materials at all of our locations.